Here is a picture of our food. MMMM I think it tasted just like America, but it felt different in my stomach. I guess Ive been eating foods that are a lot lighter and a lot less filling for the past week and a half, and my body has just gotten used to the switch, cause I felt VERY full after I finished the food. I think it upset the boys stomach, and we made a pact to only eat MDs once a month. I mean, I didnt come to Thailand to eat MDs, right?
Other things that I have learned while in Thailand:
I had my first set of digestive problems on Tuesday. Some of my friends and I have had detailed conversations about their digestive problems, but I hadnt had any yet. Once again, right about the point in time when I think I am reaching the invincibility threshold, I realize how mistaken I am. It wasnt a pleasant experience, and Im not exactly sure what I ate. But now I understand digestive issues in Thailand. I also finally asked how to use the spray nozzle in the bathroom. I thought it worked like a bidet at first, but I was wrong. Apparently you are supposed to wipe with the left hand and then use the spray nozzle to wash off your hand. I thought that I could fully assimilate into Thai culture... become super tan, eat rice 17 times a day, wear the school uniform... but I had to stop it at using the spray nozzle. I just can not bring myself to do it.
The smog here is horrible. I walk to school, so I am constantly in a heat wave from exhaust, and I breathe the stuff in all day it seems. Well, I finally blew my nose the other day to find greyness. Thats right, my nose stuff is grey, almost black. I hope I dont come back with lung cancer, because I feel like this stuff is worse than smoking a pack a day. ew. sorry if all of this is TMI... i warned you.
Did you know that there are over 5000 7-11 stores in Bangkok? I have always felt an extra special connection to this specific convenience store and actually entered my first one in Bangkok. They are everywhere here! I can walk out of one store and already see the next one later on down the road. I like to go in and buy water on my morning commute, cause it is pretty cheap.
My morning commute involves me walking through a construction site. And I hadnt really noticed (until Steve and Josh pointed it out), but people stare at me. I mean they STARE. And it makes me feel really uncomfortable. I remember talking to Kate about this last semester, how it is something that she just had to get used to as a white female in a foreign country. But, since I just started noticing, it is kind of freaking me out. Each of the construction workers on my path back to the mansion yesterday was either staring at me, yelling hello at me, or whistling. Im sure that I will get used to it and not think twice about it... but I might try to get me some mace for the mean time. lol, I know that they arent going to attack me... but you just never can be too careful.
I do have a cell phone in Bangkok. I bought one of those cheapo recycled cell phones that you would give a four year old to play with these days. And I thought I was being really frugal until I figured out that the 0 button doesnt work. That sucks because pretty much every number in Thailand begins with a zero. I officially have a very ghetto phone. No more blackberry for me. But the asians have blackberries. almost all of them. I went to lunch with my asian friends on Tuesday, and noticed that they all have two phones. Why, you ask? Well, one is for calling and one is for receiving. Duh! I was really confused, but apparently the glamor of answering calls on a blackberry is more important that function. I actually only have one cell phone in BKK, just in case you were wondering.
And lastly, Ive learned to cope without a few things from home, but I really missed cuddling. I used to get lots of cuddles from you know who, and I really miss them these days. So I made a cuddle pillow. (and you can too! lol) Its a simple pillow, with a long-sleeved T over top. Then I took my airplane blanket and some EA/ECF shirts and put them in the sleeves to make a pillow man. Thats right, a pillow man! desperate times, ladies! Im not saying it is as good as the real thing, but it's as close as I can get.
And tonight, I went to a Muay Thai fighting match. It was my first live fighting match, and I enjoyed myself. Its not something that I am dying to do again, but at least it was entertaining. I have a few videos of the fights, Ill see what editing I can do to them and most them later on.
Afterwards, we went to a chinese restaurant. Immediate thoughts: SWEET and SOUR chicken. mmmm. No. They dont have S&S Chicken here, apparently that is an Americanized version of Chinese food. I was thoroughly disappointed, and hardly ate any of my meal.
But I am not in Thailand for the McDelivery or the Muay Thai. Why am I in Thailand?
- to study economics! Definitely not. I dont mind the classes, but I dont think thats why Im here.
- to eat the food! nope, I didnt really know anything about the food before I left America.
- to run away from my problems! I cant think of any problems I want to run away from... I can think of plenty of reasons why Thailand will create more problems.
- to be put out of my comfort zone! hmm... this one is interesting, I have tried to use it before, and I think it is partially correct, but not holy correct. Ill tell you why.
You see, a lot of people ask me why I chose Thailand. They all have interesting stories... like: I was born here but never got to experience the culture or my dad lives in Thailand and I wanted to get to know him better or my parents are Thai and Im interested in their heritage. My answer... most of the time it's, 'well, why not.' The other answer I give is... 'I hope to figure it out while Im here.' And that is sufficient for most people, but it's not really sufficient for me.
I think I am starting to figure out why I am in Thailand. To be free from outside distractions! wait... what? that doesnt make any sense Jennifer. I know, I know. but hear me out.
I am free from outside distractions. I am so deep inside a culture which I know nothing about, that the only things familiar to me are the most important parts of my life. Im starting to realize what I value most by what I spend most of my time on. Talking on skype to those that I love. Learning more about Jesus and what he has in store for me. He brought me here to figure out the important things in my life and to learn how to love Him and others unconditionally. Its working, and I couldnt thank Him more for this opportunity to get closer to Him without the distractions of the hustle and bustle of everyday back home.
I hear the Savior say,
"Thy strength indeed is small.
Child of weakness, watch and pray,
Find in Me thine all in all." "Jesus Paid it All" -Alex Nifong
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